NeurotechEU at Donders Discussions

28 September 2023

Donders Discussions is an annual meeting dedicated to covering neuroscience research from molecular to cognitive levels. In line with this year’s theme ‘Reconnecting minds – bridging gaps’, the event aims to bring together young researchers from various fields within neuroscience with representatives from the industry and the clinical sector. The activities range from keynote sessions, to introductory talks into current hot topics in neuroscience (‘what’s going on in…?’ sessions, e.g., brain-computer interfaces, analyzing large-scale genetic datasets for neural underpinnings of disorders), and several debates and panel discussions. You can find here the flyer of the event.

The event will take place in the city center of Nijmegen (The Netherlands).

To apply for one of the 2 positions available for UMH PhD students can fill in the following form before October 12, EOB.

Radboud University will perform the selection of participating students. Radboud University will cover the costs of registration and meals and will provide the registered students with suggestions for accommodation.
Travel and accommodation of registered UMH students will be reimbursed by UMH. Once accepted and registered, please send an email to to receive indications on how to proceed.