June 19: NeurotechEU, its Synapses Club

13 June 2024

  1. Next Wednesday 19th of June the current representatives from the Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (UMH) at the Student Council ―Sandra Manzanero Ortiz, Desirée Irene Gracia Laso y Bárbara Corral Sánchez― will introduce the Synapses Club to the Máster Universitario en Neurociencia: de la Investigación a la Clínica‘s students.  The meeting will take place at the Salón de Actos at 17h from the Santiago Ramón and Cajal building, campus de Sant Joan.Synapses Club

The Club members organize themselves locally to carry out social activities related to neuroscience and neurotechnology. The meeting aims to inspire students to build a community to share interests with. The Synapses Club is the NeurotechEU students’ self-managed club. Furthermore, it will expose the multiple benefits that being part of the Club and the NeurotechEU community have.