Donders Discussion 2024: Empowering connections from neurons to society

18 September 2024

Promoting connections and exploring neurons’ way is the Donderss Discussions objective. The next edition of this conference –organized by and for PhD students and postdoc researchers from the fields of technology and neuroscience— will take place on the 17th and 18th of October at the Donders Institute (Nimega, The Netherlands), from the allied university of NeurotechEU, the Radboud University.

This activity aims to provide a multidisciplinary space to facilitate the exchange of scientific knowledge and to create different levels of discussions between researchers in their early years of formation. Furthermore, the ones interested will be able to present their research projects to the other assistants.

  • Date: the 17th and 18th of October, 2024
  • Host university: Radboud University (The Netherlands)
  • Application period: until 27th of September
  • For more information: Donders Discussion

The University Miguel Hernández of Elche (UMH) fully covers one position in this activity. To apply, you may fill out and send by email to the document Donders Discussion 2024 UMH-APPLICATION-FORM attached. In case of sending an abstract, the documents abstractsubmissionDD24 and DD24_Abstract template must be sent.

The UMH does cover economically one position to this mobility. Please, check How to apply through the UMH – NeurotechEU and follow every step.