Frequent Questions
3 May 2024
What does the NeurotechEU alliance consist of?
NeurotechEU is an alliance of eight European universities that aims to build a trans-European network of excellence that will educate students at all levels –bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and lifelong learning. NeurotechEU strives to be a flexible space for higher education shared among universities, linking education with research, innovation, and society.
What is the Synapses Club?
This is about the NeurotechEU Student Club of the European Alliance, responsible for organizing events (both virtual and in-person) related to neuroscience and neurotechnology. Its management is internal to each university. NeurotechEU students.
When is the application for a spot done?
Each mobility, course, or training offered has its own application deadline. The application deadlines, as well as the start dates for each activity, are specified in their respective calls for applications. You can access the list of spots offered by NeurotechEU through the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.
If I am a postdoctoral from the UMH, can I benefit from the mobility funded by NeurotechEU-UMH?
Full funding for mobility is only available to students with an active relationship with Miguel Hernández University of Elche.
What language are the courses in?
Normally the courses and the mobility will be given in English. However, from NeurotechEU we encourage respect for every different language involved in NeurotechEU and multilingualism. It may be some activities that won’t take place in English, in that punctual case, it will be specified in the call application.
What does NeurotechEU cover?
NeurotechEU is a European project in which different universities offer and finance some training activities. NeurotechEU is financially responsible for organizing these activities, their implementation, and, on certain occasions, the physical mobility of students or faculty to another allied university.
What type of studies can I apply?
Currently, NeurotechEU offers short-term activities and workshops, both online and in-person. We recommend checking the mobility opportunities offered by NeurotechEU from the UMH and those offered by partner universities.
Is it possible to be eligible to participate in more than one offered activity?
Yes, but It will be considered if you have already assisted to another mobility previously. The idea is to ensure that new students have equal opportunities to undertake mobility.
If I cannot realize the mobility and I have already accepted it, is there any consequence?
No. However, It is important to consider the responsibility of committing to a spot that could benefit other students. Therefore, it is strongly requested that you notify us in advance if you reject it, in order to give the opportunity to another interested person.
Furthermore, the reason for renunciation will be taken into account for future applications
While being abroad, does NeurotechEU provide medical insurance?
Yes, in European Union countries. However, each individual must obtain the European Health Insurance Card separately.
In the case of a stay in Turkey, as it is not a member of the European Union, NeurotechEU does not cover medical insurance. Therefore, it will be a management task for the interested parties. UMH offers the possibility of purchasing voluntary insurance.