The University Miguel hernández of Elche opens its IA4LEGOS Program to NeurotechEU. The UMH's IA4LEGOS program is aimed to educate all its future graduates in programming with Python and using artificial intelligence in any area of knowledge. The training program, which is taught in Spanish, is made up of four courses, proposed with a progressive...
The UMH Synapses Club invites you to the NeurotechEU Workshop on “Science Communication”. The workshop will take place on December 19th in the Conference Hall of the Instituto de Neurociencias San Juan de Alicante, Spain. This workshop is focused on how disseminating scientific work, covering everything from press releases to social media. It will consist...
NeurotechEU students are invited to participate via Zoom in this event organized by the Karolinska Institutet. Those interested will receive a zoom-link upon request to the following email address: Symposium_Neurosciences_AI_Aging_KI Please find below and attached an invite to join an online symposium at Karolinska Institutet on the 27th of November:
The Donders Discussions will take place in Nijmegen. Two keynote lectures can be joined by NeurotechEU PhD students (and everybody interested). - For the keynote talk by Timo van Kerkoerle about "Detailed neural mechanisms of top-down visual processing in macaque monkeys" on October 19, at 13:30: Click here to join this keynote - For the keynote...
Donders Discussions is an annual meeting dedicated to covering neuroscience research from molecular to cognitive levels. In line with this year’s theme ‘Reconnecting minds - bridging gaps’, the event aims to bring together young researchers from various fields within neuroscience with representatives from the industry and the clinical sector. The activities range from keynote sessions,...
Dear AI scientist/engineer/student/enthusiast, Professor Ioannis Pitas will deliver the e-lecture: "AI, Large Language Models and University Education" on September 12th, 2023 17.00 pm CEST. He is IEEE fellow, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, EURASIP fellow, Chair of the International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA), and Director of the Artificial Intelligence and Information Analysis (AIIA) Lab. The International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA), a...
Summer School organised by the Universidad Miguel Hernández (UMH) has been held in San Juan de Alicante, Spain, between 24th and 26th of July 2023. This course was intended to give a complete overview on preclinical magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopic techniques. It covered theoretical bases of the most used techniques (relaxometry, diffusion-based, functional) and their...
The European University Alliance of Brain and Technology NeurotechEU is pleased to announce new mobility opportunities for UMH students.NeurotechEU will cover the registration fees and travel expenses to attend one of the following interesting courses. Do not miss them! Neuroimaging: Essentials of major neuroimaging techniques (EEG, MEG, fMRI, PET, TMS). (Code: NTEU_RU_00123). Dates: 4-8 September...
We are pleased to announce that applications for the 15th edition of the “Donders Cognition Brain and Technology (DCBT)” Summer School organized by NeurotechEU are now open. DCBT Summer School will take place from 4-15 September in Berg en Dal (a town close to Nijmegen, The Netherlands). During the 2023 edition, DCBT will be addressing two main...